How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes ? Step by Step Guide

how to get oil stains out of clothes step by step guide
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You’re not alone if you’ve ever faced the frustration of discovering oil stains on your favorite clothing items. Keeping clothes clean is essential for maintaining a polished appearance and prolonging their lifespan. However, oil stains pose a common challenge that many individuals encounter. This article will explore practical strategies for removing oil stains from clothes, ensuring your wardrobe stays pristine.

Understanding Oil Stains

Oil stains can originate from various sources, including cooking oils, cosmetics, and automotive grease. Different oils may require specific treatment methods due to variations in their composition. Additionally, the type of fabric plays a crucial role in determining how effectively stains can be removed.

Quick Tips for Immediate Action

When confronted with an oil stain, it’s essential to act quickly—blotting it with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb excess oil. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing the stain, which can spread it further and embed it deeper into the fabric.

Pre-Treating Oil Stains

Before washing the garment, it’s advisable to pre-treat the stain to maximize the chances of removal. Start by identifying the type of oil causing the stain, which will inform your choice of pre-treatment solution. Standard options include dish soap, laundry detergent, or specialized stain removers.

Washing Techniques

Selecting the suitable detergent and water temperature is crucial for effective stain removal. For oil-based stains, using a detergent with strong degreasing properties is recommended. Additionally, warmer water temperatures can help dissolve and lift the oil from the fabric fibers.

Handwashing vs. Machine Washing

Deciding whether to handwash or machine wash stained clothing depends on various factors, including fabric type and the severity of the stain. Handwashing allows for more targeted treatment of stains but may require additional time and effort. Conversely, machine washing offers convenience but may be less effective for stubborn stains.

Additional Tips for Stubborn Stains

For particularly stubborn stains, soaking the garment in a solution of detergent and water can help loosen the oil before washing. Repeating the pre-treatment process or using a specialized stain remover for stubborn stains may also be necessary.

Drying Methods

After washing, carefully consider the drying method to avoid setting the stain. Air drying is preferable for delicate fabrics, while machine drying on low heat suits most clothing items. Inspect the garment before drying to ensure the stain has been entirely removed.

Checking for Residual Stains

Even after washing, inspecting the garment for any residual stains is essential. If stains persist, repeat the treatment process or consider seeking professional assistance.

Ironing and Finishing Touches

Ironing stained clothes can inadvertently set the stain if not done correctly. Always iron on the reverse side of the fabric and avoid excessive heat, which can cause the stain to become more prominent.

Preventive Measures

Wear protective clothing when handling greasy substances to minimize the likelihood of future oil stains. Additionally, treating clothing with stain repellents can provide an added layer of protection.

Natural Remedies for Oil Stains

Several household items can effectively remove oil stains for those inclined towards eco-friendly solutions. Baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice are popular natural remedies that help break down grease and lift stains from fabric fibers.

Seeking Professional Help:

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance from a dry cleaner. Dry cleaning professionals have access to specialized equipment and techniques that can effectively remove stubborn stains without damaging the fabric.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Avoid common mistakes such as overlooking pre-treatment or using excessive heat during drying when removing oil stains. These errors can exacerbate the stain and make removal more challenging.


Removing oil stains from clothes may seem daunting, but it’s achievable with the proper techniques and products. Following the steps outlined in this article and taking proactive measures to prevent future stains, you can keep your wardrobe fresh and stain-free.


  1. Can I use regular soap to remove oil stains from clothes?
  • While regular soap may help, it’s best to use a detergent with degreasing properties for more effective stain removal.
  1. Is it safe to use bleach on oil stains?
  • Bleach is not recommended for removing oil stains, as it can cause discoloration and damage to fabrics. Stick to gentler stain removal methods.
  1. What should I do if the oil stain has already set in?
  • You may need to repeat the treatment process or seek professional assistance from a dry cleaner for set-in stains.
  1. Can I use hot water to wash clothes with oil stains?
  • Hot water can help dissolve oil and grease, but be cautious with delicate fabrics, as high temperatures can cause damage. Always check the garment’s care label for washing instructions.
  1. Are there any preventative measures I can take to avoid oil stains?
  • Wearing protective clothing when handling greasy substances and treating garments with stain repellents can help minimize the likelihood of oil stains.
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